Sunday, December 25, 2005

happy hannukwanzumas!

Okay, Mark had the ultimate multi-holiday name idea! We had been happy chrismakwanzakuh'ing everyone, but he will have his way!

Today was sandhill crane day -- took the hour's drive to Woodbridge Ecological Preserve -- to see the wintering 5-foot high cranes. and they did not disappoint!! In spite of the a bird cares about the rain...they flew in waves and waves by the dozens, hundreds maybe, into their evening roosting areas. Impressive!

See this website:

Another gorgeous sighting -- northern shoveler ducks! See: What a treat to see dozens of such lovely birds!

Justin and Tina went along, were not too sure at first if this was a "wild goose" chase, but soon became believers! Thanks, guys, it was great showing you the beautiful sights of greater Sacramento area!

1 comment:

Tosh said...

Pretty bird. Did you take that? Or is it from the website?