Saturday, November 19, 2005

back to a different kind of civilization

Here I am, see me below...bouncing along Hwy. 1 in Baja California Sur. I'm right the truck.

Made it back to Sacramento in 3 days. Each day is exhilarating and very difficult . . .

Day one, Sta. Rosalia to El Rosario. Eight hours of driving, including stops for military checkposts, gas in Guerrero Negro (pick up a couple chicken tamales for dinner) and lunch at Mauricio's Restaurant (I think it's at kilometer 72 or something like that.) Although we've never stopped at El Rosario, except to gas up, we have stopped to eat there. The Baja's Best Restaurant and B&B turned out to be a restful surprise. See this picture down there? That's the sitting room in the suite.

Then, an early start on Friday morning, San Diego-bound. But...wait...there are the tolls to be paid, another couple military checkpoints, of all...the "line." If you've been there, no explanation is necessary. Spending an hour at the Mexico-US border is an experience you don't soon forget. Jockeying for position, watching the temperature gauge on the dashboard, buying a few last candies to get rid of your last few pesos. It's all part of the scene at "the line."
I didn't take any pictures, but next time I will, for sure.

Then, Saturday, 6:30am to 2pm. Finally arrive in Sacramento. It was a big day for the CHP along I-5. They were attentive enough to stop us and issue a speeding ticket. Get this...65mph, when we should have been going no more than 55mph, because we were pulling the boat! You've been on I-5 before, right? If you're not doing 80, please pull over so the San Francisco-bound folks can get by, ok? Gracias.

The bottom line... I'm well-rested, got some mystery/ suspense reading done and worked on my "Wyvern" sock. All in all, another great trip to Baja.

The plant is a "pitahaya agria," which is great for use as a tea. Helps with everything -- high blood pressure, diabetes symptoms, you name it. Just boil a chunk of it for a while...and drink 8 ounces or so every day. It tastes bitter and nauseating, but it's "natural" medicine! Many folks will tell you so...and their doctors say, "whatever you're doing, it's working, so keep it up!"

1 comment:

Tosh said...

Is that what the inside of your room looked like? So fancy!