Monday, November 10, 2008

Harvest Brawl - Sac City Roller Girls

Stacy's new activity -- see it to believe it!

Carloz was a witness to to the Harvest Brawl.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Fall Offerings

`The advent of fall weather has suddenly sparked my interest in all things woolen. So I've cut and sewed numeros pieces of recycled wool sweaters. I made a pair of slippers, from the top half of sweater sleeves. Anastacia deems them "janky." Well, guess what, they are soooooo waaaarrrrmmmmm, that I shall be making and wearing these slippers! they're soooo easy to make, they don't take beaucoup $$$$$ and more time to make like the beautiful felted clogs. check out some of the cool felted purses on here:

will attached pictures soon! until then, here's a little something...