Saturday, January 21, 2006

time for a change

Well, I'll be moving next week -- about 10 miles away. As I planned the packing job, my smart roomie Catherine said that magic word...plastics. it's the future! (remember The Graduate?) Well, plastic see-thru bins are this week's amazing tool!!

So my stash is clean and easily seen in a nice clear plastic box! Yay! It makes packing a happy thing. I'm not so happy about lugging all this stuff down my stairs ... and then up the stairs to my new place! Heeeellllllppppp!!!!!

Now, more than ever, I must think ... LESS is MORE, LESS is MORE!!

Let me interject - this month's amazing word is -- "flummoxed." To be complemented by "bolloxed." I've used the two words quite a bit this month -- and they appear to be virus-like. Once you utter them, people around you begin to use them, too!! Try it. I dare you!

I don't have my recent pics with me, so I'll close with this pic of Anastacia and me in Tijuana, BCN, Mexico -- where I'll be next month!! In the photo, we're in front of Caesar's Hotel & Restaurant -- yes, the place the caesar salad was first made and served! yum